A bed full of foreigners

25 April 19:00
Big Hall
Text: Dave Freeman
Directed by: Șerban Puiu
Translation into german: Wolfgang Spier
Scenography: Iulia Gherghescu
Cast: Ali Deac, Daniel Plier, Johanna Adam, Daniel Bucher, Emőke Boldizsár, Gyan Ros Zimmermann, Theodora Sandu, Fabiola Petri
“What a hotel!” – is exactly what people think when checking in a dusty hotel.
The problem isn’t that the only free room was double booked by the manager and the porter. No, sir! Something is odd about the other hotel guests. First of all, shortly after they arrive, an exhausted British couple, Brenda and Stanley, get in a fight over a lost ring. Then, the company agent, Claude, is anxious to see his lover, a dancer. In the worst moment, his wife Helga pays him a visit, in an attempt to surprise him for his birthday. So, two couples and a dancer end up in the same room! The doors, the windows, and the wardrobes soon become traps or lucky escape routes for everyone involved.
2019 - October - Caleido Festival Bucharest
Estimated duration:
1h 40min
Premiere Date:21-03-2015
Translation:Performance presented in German with Romanian translation

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