A flea in her ear

10 April 19:00
Big Hall
Text: Georges Feydeau
Directed by: Șerban Puiu
Set design: Lia Manţoc, Alin Gavrilă
Costumes: Lia Manţoc
Music illustration: Șerban Puiu
Cast: Nicu Mihoc, Pali Vecsei, Adrian Neacşu, Liviu Vlad, Cristian Stanca, Adrian Matioc, Viorel Rață, Florin Coşuleţ/Andrei Gîlcescu, Cătălin Neghină, Mariana Mihu – Plier, Raluca Iani, Cristina Stoleriu, Serenela Mureşan, Codruţa Vasiu, Cristina Ragos, Arina Ioana Trif, Ali Deac
A Flea in Her Ear imposes a theatre of relations, where the comedy of situation predominates. The Universe of Feydeau’s characters is colorful, vivid and always on the move: the high society of the Parisian saloons, the doctor, the cuckold butler, the managers of a luxury bordello, a Spanish man and his wife, a stylish cook lady, a Scotsman, they all swirl around the Chandebise House and the Coq d’Or Hotel, on the same puzzled carousel. Everybody chases everybody and at the same time, everybody runs away from everybody. Braces, anonymous letters, jealousies, voluntary friends, drinks, life threatens and laughter, all part of the “sweet” farce imagined by Feydeau.
Estimated duration:
1h 45min
Premiere Date:19-05-2010

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