
26 July 19:00
“Faust” Hall
Text: J. W. Goethe
Directed by: Silviu Purcărete
Translation: Şt. A. Doinaş
Set and Light Design: Helmut Stürmer
Costumes: Lia Manţoc
Original music: Vasile Şirli
Musical arrangement: Doru Apreotesei
Video: Andu Dumitrescu
Assistant scenographer: Daniel Răduţă

Margareta: Andreea Preda, Iunis Minculete, Oana Elena Brânzan, Crina Dumitrașcu, Emilia Ivan, Ana Dinu, Mădălina Foficaș, Sofia Ivan, Theodora Constantin,

Johanna Adam, Veronica Arizancu, Emöke Boldizsár, Ioana Cosma, Ioana Blaga, Raluca Iani, Mariana Mihu Plier, Serenela Tălmăcean, Fabiola Petri, Gabriela Pîrlițean, Cristina Răgoșcă, Cristina Ghinieș, Dana Taloş, Arina Ioana Trif, Cendana Trifan, Mihai Coman, Alexandru Deac, Alexandru Malaicu, Adrian Matioc, Adrian Neacşu, Cătălin Neghină, Eduard Pătraşcu, Viorel Raţă, Vlad Robaş, Ștefan Tunsoiu, Iustinian Turcu, Pali Vecsei, Liviu Vlad, Andrei Gîlcescu, Horia Fedorca, Antonia Dobocan, Cătălin Haiducescu,  Bianca Goadă, Corina Vișinescu, Alexandru Mihai, Laurențiu Vlad, Liviu Bledea, Tania Anastasof, Teodora Domnariu, Alexandru Verzescu, Cristina Tomuș, Andrada Oltean, Diana Cătănescu, Alexandru Dini, Patrick Imbrescu, David Guță, Alexandru Bumbeș, Radu Costea, Eva Frățilă, Ilinca Morar, Alexia Marcu, Oana Noja, Ada Bicfalvi, Melania Veselu, Anastasia Petrean, Maria Maftei, Briana Iacob, Andra Stoian, Anamaria Ștefan, Ștefan Chelimândră, Andreea Gruber, Adrian Nicodin, Mihai Mocanu, Bogdan Truță, Andreea Stanciu, Iulian Buzuloiu, Ioana Alberta Dima, Sorana Ilie, Ionuț Arin, Iuliana Dogaru, Andrada Vlad, Simona Burcea, Sebastian Smarandache, Ioana State, Cătălin Bobariu, Andreea Agapi,


Performance with English subtitles
Faust is more than a theatre performance. Violent, emotional and visceral, Faust invites the audience to a strong individual experience about pain, death and love. A milestone in the history of the Romanian theatre, Faust directed by Silviu Purcărete, distinguishes itself through the artistic vision and the complexity of the roles presented in the baroque construction of the set design, mastered to the smallest, with vivid details: impressive set and light design, elegant and burlesque costumes, entertaining and overwhelming music with appropriate sound effects that add to that eccentric environment, video projections ingeniously framed in the architecture of the whole stage approach, that is monumentally created with the help of over 100 actors, performed in an abandoned industrial hall.

Discover an extrasensory experience placed between Earth and Hell, a scenery amplified by video projections, fireworks, live original rock music, tens of actors and dancers and an original soundtrack created by Vasile Şirli, musical director of Disneyland Paris. The script of this performance catches the essential of Goethe’s text: the pact with the devil, Faust’s sick fascination for Margaret, the Walpurgis Night and Faust’s rise to Heaven.

A project of Radu Stanca National Theatre of Sibiu, supported by the Ministry of Culture, the City Council of Sibiu, the European Commission, Culture 2000 programme and "Democracy through Culture" Foundation, in the frame of the Sibiu - European Capital of Culture 2007 programme.
Deschide documentul:
2008- Uniter award for best actress in a leading role Ofelia Popii- role Mefisto
2010- Ofelia Popii- „Harold Angel” Nominee and Award, at Edinburgh International Festival for Mefisto
Deschide documentul:
2 November 2007, ”National Theatre Festival”, București
4, 5, 6 September 2008, Frankfurt, Germany, ”Goethe Festival”
18, 19, 20, 21, 22 August 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland, ”Edinburgh International Festival”
12–15 October 2011, Bruxelles, Belgium, ”Romanian Autumn in Bruxelles” (Adevărul, Cotidianul.ro)
7, 8 September 2012, Maribor, Slovenia, ”Maribor European Capital of Culture 2012”(Cotidianul, Tribuna )
21 April–1 May 2017, Budapest, Hungary, ”Festivalul Madách International Theatre Meeting – MITEM”(Digi, Mitem, Cotidinaul )
Deschide documentul:
Estimated duration:
1h 55min
Premiere Date:19-09-2007
Age limit:Performance not recommended to those under the age of 16

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