I hired a contract killer

2 April 19:00
Big Hall
Text: Aki Kaurismäki
Directed by: Radu-Alexandru Nica
Stage adaptation: Raluca Sas-Marinescu
Scenography: Carmencita Brojboiu
Cast: Daniel Bucher, Daniel Plier, Ali Deac, Pali Vecsei, Johanna Adam
After fifteen years' service, Henri Boulanger is made redundant from his job. Shocked, he attempts suicide, but can't go through with it, so he hires a contract killer in a seedy bar to murder him at some unspecified time in the future. But almost immediately he meets and falls in love with Margaret, a flower-seller, which makes Henri realize that his life has some meaning after all. But when he goes back to the bar to cancel the contract, he finds it has been demolished - and there's no way he can get in touch with the killer...
14-23 mai 2004, Târgu Mureș, Tg. Festivalul de Teatru Interetnic Mureș
24-26 octombrie 2004, București, „I. Festivalul Naţional de Teatru L. Caragiale”.
Decembrie 2004, Timișoara, Festivalul Minorităților
22 mai 2005, Gheogheni, Festivalul de Teatru Interetnic, Colocviul Minorităților
12-18 iunie 2005, Buzău, Festivalul „Capul de regizor”.
13-15 octombrie 2005, Brașov, Tg. Mureș, Cluj-Napoca
9-13 iulie 2006, Ulm, Germania, Festivalul Donau 14 iunie 2009, Marburg, Germania
Estimated duration:
Premiere Date:16-03-2004
Translation:Performance presented in German with Romanian translation

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