Not now, darling!

17 January 19:00
Big Hall
Text: Ray Cooney, John Chapman
Directed by: Șerban Puiu
Set design: Ion Molete
Costume design: Tania Popa
Assistant to the director: Ania Petrean
Project manager: Petruța Popescu
Cast: Adrian Matioc, Adrian Neacşu, Cendana Trifan, Veronica Arizancu, Cristina Blaga-Tomuș, Diana Fufezan / Arina Ioana Trif, Pali Vecsei, Mariana Mihu – Plier, Cristian Stanca, Dana Taloş, Vlad Robaș
The acclaimed director for delightful comedies, Șerban Puiu, invites us to spend a humorous evening, enjoying Not Now, Darling! One of the owners of the luxurious fur salon hopes to obtain amorous favours from his mistress, selling a discounted fur coat to her husband. But the mistress's husband has his own love plans and everything culminates when the husband gives his mistress that fur coat. The comedy of situation and confusion lead to sheer madness!
Estimated duration:
1h 30min
Premiere Date:11-09-2016

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