
Text: Caren Jeß
Video design: Dan Basu
Scenography: Előd Golicza
Costumes: Viorica Bara
Project manager : Hunor Horvath
Project assistant: Fabiola Eidloth
Music: Claudiu Urse
Cast: Ali Deac, Daniel Bucher, Daniel Plier, Emőke Boldizsár, Fabiola Petri, Johanna Adam, Yannick Becker
A swallow, a chiffchaff, and a skylark humbly ask a piece of advice from the Cocoon of reason. In a forest, a bird abandons its egg, from which a “dirty peacock” looking for a sense of purpose hatches. At the same time, a turkey and two hens launch a new cult. All these and many other tragi-comical, tender, cynical life episodes are part of a poetic, vibrant “dramatic collection” on the beauty and the frailty of our social universe.
In “BOOKPINK”, the actors of the TNRS German Department bring a complex, provocative and extremely playful performance on the miracle of life in a world that has lost its moral compass.
Estimated duration:
1h 35min
Premiere Date:09-05-2021
Translation:Performance presented in German with Romanian translation

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