Buffalos. Urban fable #2

Text: Pau Miró
Directed by: Radu Afrim
Translation: Luminița Voina-Răuț
Scenography: Dragoş Buhagiar
Coreography: Andrea Gavriliu
Sound universe: Radu Afrim
Filming and video concept: Radu Afrim
Video editing: Costin Chesnoiu
Assistant to the director: Sanda Anastasof
Assistant to the scenographer: Irina Chirilă
Cast: Cristian Timbuş, Vlad Bîrzanu , Iustinian Turcu, Ali Deac, Cendana Trifan, Maria Soilică, Ioan Paraschiv, Raluca Iani, Dana Lăzărescu
With a cast of young actors, Radu Afrim creates an explosive and emotional performance about death and survival through violence. Buffalos is the story of a family that slowly disappears. Set in a present time laundromat, a family business, where sins and secrets are washed away through violence and seclusion. A child dies, a mother disappears, a father loses himself and four little buffalos are left to survive their family legacy. The aesthetics of pain is reflected in a modern artistic staging with novel visual and sound effects. Radu Afrim brings out on stage the poetic and violent imagination of the enfant terrible in every human.
5 May 2015, Deva, Romania
11 November 2015, ”National Theatre Festival, Bucharest”, Romania
6-9 October 2016, Iași, ”International Theatre Festival for Young Audiences (FITPT)”
Estimated duration:
1h 20min
Premiere Date:15-03-2015

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