A delicate balance

Text: Edward Albee
Directed by: Mariana Cămărășan
Project manager: Claudia Maior
Prompter and direction assistant: Sanda Anastasof
Cast: Diana Fufezan, Serenela Mureşan, Florin Coşuleţ, Ioana Cosma, Mariana Mihu – Plier, Mihai Coman, Veronica Arizancu, Arina Ioana Trif, Vlad Robaș
‘Staging now a text about fear is so topical that it makes the whole process seem indecent. I find it hard to believe the time has already come to speak about these years we are living in, the losses of each and every one of us, even about discoveries, about the fear of these years. Not everything has been made clear, we are no longer aware of our current, real needs, we follow the inertia of a long-gone time, the world has changed.
One thing is sure, we need to share what we live, what we understand and especially what we don’t understand from what we live. One thing is sure, there will always be wanderings and there will always be the need to find one another. In the end, the need to meet one another. What does having the courage to live, to give, to protect, to forgive, to forgive yourself mean today? The desire to be loved and to love? The mystery of loving yourself.
It seems indecent to speak now about fear; it’s as if you were staging the great fire from “Three Sisters” while the city you were in was actually burning. And still... fear dwells within, it’s a fire within ourselves and there is no better place than theatre to penetrate our heart, our soul, to bring us – humans, both creators and spectators – comfort and healing. There is no better place to hear the words: “It’s difficult, I know”, to be told at the same time that “You’re wrong and you’re right”. There is no better place to say: ‘I’m not alone.’
I’m not staging a text about fear, but about love, about life, about existing and especially about coexisting. And I’m not staging it alone. It’s a story about being together’ - Mariana Cămărășan.
Estimated duration:
2h 15min
Premiere Date:21-04-2022

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