A streetcar named Popescu

Text: Cristian Popescu
Directed by: Gavriil Pinte
Set Design and costumes: Roxana Ionescu
Cast: Florin Coşuleţ, Arina Ioana Trif, Diana Văcaru-Lazăr, Liviu Vlad, Dana Taloş, Cătălin Neghină, Gabriela Pîrlițeanu, Codruţa Vasiu, Vlad Robaș
A Streetcar Named Popescu is a community theatre project, an itinerant, unconventional, experimental, alternative performance... the script is a dramatization of texts from the works published ante mortem and posthumous of poet Cristian Popescu (poems and essays). The performance takes place mostly in a tram brought into traffic on the route Sibiu-Răşinari and return. In the first part of the performance, after the audience embarked and the tram was set in motion, the characters of Popescu Family and Popescu Art are brought “to the stage”. In the terminus station, at Răşinari, an episode of animation theatre takes place, a lyric parody after “Conu Leonida” by I.L. Caragiale. The puppets-installations, Leonida and Efimiţa, built on the bunraku concept, are actually animated by the whole group of actors. On the way back from Răşinari Popescu’s Arts take place: theatre, circus, music, dance, painting and film.
Performance created in partnership with the Rășinari town hall
21 September 2008, Oradea, Oradea Autumn Festival
20 October 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Comedy Cluj
Estimated duration:
1h 30min
Premiere Date:25-05-2007
Age limit:

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