
Text: Miro Gavran
Directed by: Raluca Iani
Performance concept: Raluca Iani
Assistant: Corina Predescu
Project manager: Eliza Ceprăzaru
Cast: Ioana Cosma, Gabriela Pîrlițeanu, Fabiola Petri, Codruţa Vasiu, Raluca Iani
A mother gets ready for her birthday, intimately hoping that her daughters get over all the quarrels that compromised the family harmony. A woman dreams about a job that all her colleagues desire, as she gets ready to make any necessary compromise. At the same time, a little girl eagerly waits for her mother at the school festivities. Moreover, an eighty-year old woman wants to get the attention of a chess player, while a singer fighting the poverty of her marginal existence hopes to rise above the social misery around her through her art.
Drama, irony, absurd humour, tragi-comedy - all filtered through a broad range of feelings, of desperate attempts to understand the other, of mean or tender moments, as well as of personal failures bringing one closer to their true self.
“Women” is a show revolving around one main character, the Woman, and her successive embodiments which open gates towards subtly interconnected daily micro-scripts to show the anatomy of a single complex, contradictory, warm, and incisive soul... Women’s soul.
MIRO GAVRAN is a Croatian playwright and novelist born in 1961. His works have been translated into 40 languages and gained such broad national and international recognition that a festival was dedicated to him (GavranFest), focused entirely on his plays. Besides his specific style scattered with political notes, one of the author’s major preoccupations is the machinations of women’s souls, as he has brought to life an impressive series of complex female characters in his 40 plays. Miro Gavran was the manager of the famous ITD Theatre in Zagreb, and since 2014 he became a member of the Russian Academy, of the Croatian Academy and of the Slovenian Academy. Together with his wife, he set up GAVRAN Theatre in 2002.
Estimated duration:
1h 15min
Premiere Date:01-11-2019
Age limit:Performance not recommended to those under the age of 12

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