
Text: Bogdan Georgescu
Directed by: Bogdan Georgescu
Project manager: Claudia Maior
Design: Dan Perjovschi
Special thanks: Luiza Vasiliu
Cast: Codruţa Vasiu, Cristina Ragos, Gabriela Pîrlițeanu, Cristina Blaga-Tomuș, Arina Ioana Trif, Ioana Cosma, Ștefan Tunsoiu
SAUVAGE – a hairdressing-massage-manicure salon in a provincial town, Romania 2017. Seven different roles, seven scenes, seven performers. Each performer adopts each of the seven perspectives. Conversations jumps from types of invisible underwear, to what an open relationship means, to what’s the ideal size for a penis, while elsewhere there is an event in progress that will change their lives forever. A community pressured by fear--caused by unequal power relations, corruption and supposed supernatural forces-becomes incapable of action. The mal/praxis is collective and the consequences are, obviously, catastrophic.

MAL/PRAXIS is an Active Art project devised together with the students and acting professors of the Theatre Department of The University of Sibiu Lucian Blaga in co-production with The National Theatre Radu Stanca Sibiu.
MAL/PRAXIS is the final part of the trilogy Howfararewefromthecaveswecamefrom?, after ANTISOCIAL and #minor.
7–9th August 2017, Alexandria, Ideo Ideis
7–9th October 2017, Iași, „Iasi International Theater Festival for Young Audiences”
Estimated duration:
Premiere Date:18-03-2017
Age limit:Performance not recommended to those under the age of 16

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