Text: Thomas Perle
Directed by: Bobi Pricop
Dramaturgy and text: Thomas Perle
Director of image, sound and editing: Mihai Popa
Video design: Dan Basu
Live editing operator: Ovidiu Coca
Costume assistant: Emőke Boldizsár
Project assistant: Eliza Ceprăzaru
Cast: Johanna Adam, Gyan Ros Zimmermann, Emöke Boldizsar, Daniel Bucher, Theodora Sandu, Fabiola Petri, Daniel Plier, Ali Deac
What is truth? What is reality? The pandemic has brought our society to a halt. It has given us the chance to open new paths, to question the essence of theatre and its truth. “LIVE” is the result of this long search in the uncertain times at the beginning of the pandemic. An experimental media hybrid: a recurring live event, accessible online from anywhere in the world in a pay-per-view system. Five short stories in the virtual space, based on contemporary online and offline realities, on the various possibilities of the realities of our postfactual age of alternative truths. A time when anything is possible and credible as long as it can set an emotional connection to human vulnerability, to our predispositions or expectations.
Estimated duration:
Premiere Date:25-07-2020
Translation:Performance presented in German, with translation into Romanian and English

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