
Text adaptation: Botond Nagy
Text: William Shakespeare
Directed by: Botond Nagy
Scenography: Cosmin Florea
Music & Sound Design: Claudiu Urse
Visual Design: Andrei Rancz
Light design: Cristian Niculescu
Assistant to the director: Pia Carla Ionescu-Liehn
Cast: Daniel Plier, Emőke Boldizsár, Daniel Bucher, Ioana Cosma
‘Life's mystery is not a problem you need to solve, but a reality you need to experience. Life always gives us the chance to win and lose something at the same time. It’s a continuous race. I’m not interested in doing a performance full of Macbethian topics, such as the seeking out of power, assassinations, deceit, conspiracies, etc. I’m interested in that boy from “Macbeth” who cries when he feels alone and angry at the whole situation he’s plunging into at an incredible speed. I’m interested in that feeling within a woman who is left alone with her dreams and instincts, crushed by impotence, having no possibility to create a family, to pass life on. I’m interested in that man who believed in something so hard to define, such as friendship. In “Macbeth”, we constantly speak about distant, contrasting boundaries and about the thin line which separates them. We speak about addictions. We have a famous story, which has become however a sort of a universally accessible public porn film. I want to rediscover those intimacies through which we can get very close to something called human decay and godly light. We can never identify and distinguish between the real tragedies of our lives and the ordinary evenings when we have a glass of red wine; otherwise, the probability of discarding the foetus of our own life would become a much too familiar reality. Saving someone from making a mistake is a gift from heaven. To what extent are we still able to approach this gift?’, - Botond Nagy.
Estimated duration:
1h 30min
Premiere Date:01-04-2022
Translation:Performance presented in German with Romanian translation