Marat / Sade

after Peter Weiss, text ,,Persecutarea și asasinarea lui Jean-Paul Marat, reprezentată de grupul de teatru al ospiciului din Charenton sub conducerea domnului de Sade”
Text: Peter Weiss
Directed by: Charles Muller
Translation: Ana Mureşanu
Scenography: Dragoş Buhagiar
Music: Vasile Şirli
Light design: Adriana Bârză-Cârstea
Set assistant: Tiberius Petre Trifan
Costumes Assistant: Irina Chirilă
Assistant to the director: Bogdan Sărătean
Cast: Marius Turdeanu, Adrian Matioc, Serenela Mureşan, Diana Fufezan, Ciprian Scurtea, Ioan Paraschiv, Dan Glasu, Vlad Robaș, Eduard Pătrașcu, Cătălin Pătru, Veronica Arizancu, Cristina Ragos, Raluca Iani, Cendana Trifan, Cristina Stoleriu, Daniel Plier, Cătălin Neghină, Codruţa Vasiu, Dana Taloş, Mihai Coman, Viorel Rață, Liviu Vlad
Marat is advocate of the suppressed people by a corrupt class of leaders. Sade pleades for absolute individual freedom. Marat insists on continuing the revolution at all costs. Sade argues for detachment from reality. History shows that the first was killed, and his political legacy was erased by Napoleon Bonaparte, and the latter was locked up in an asylum, where he died in the end.

Marat/Sade is a story of failure.
Institutionalized in Charenton mental asylum, the Marquis de Sade stages a play about the last hours of the life of Jean-Paul Marat, one of the most radical writers and politicians of the French Revolution, with patients and political prisoners imprisoned in the asylum.
Radical, anarchic and exciting, the famous text by Peter Weiss, winner of the Tony Award for Best Play of the Year in 1966, produced in premier by Radu Stanca National Theatre of Sibiu, in an original proposal of the Luxemburgish director Charles Muller. The actuality of the text will be apprehended in any country where its citizens are dissatisfied with the politicians who lead them, and its beauty and drama will be understood by those who have experienced the feeling of revolt.
„The world of this play reveals the madness of our world; the performance is played by the patients of a mental clinic, directed by the Marquis de Sade. The fundamental question is: who is really crazy? Patients or those in power ... who make abuse of it?
We must work without taboos, I like to say that theater is one of the few places on earth where we can talk about anything without being influenced by anyone. It is up to us to check every day if you live in democracy and whether freedom of expression is practiced and guaranteed. We should not be afraid to talk about „Revolutions” and their abuses. Historically speaking, we know that revolutions destroy their followers, that new powers are always perverted by the human being, that Humans are selfish and paranoid by nature; nevertheless, we have a duty to talk about it on stage; what is the ideal and where is the perversion of the ideal? In this play and especially in my interpretation of this play we talk about failure, failure of revolutionary ideas and the failure of personal fulfillment. The public can draw their own conclusions.” Charles Muller

18-19 March 2016, Esch, Luxemburg
Estimated duration:
1h 30min
Premiere Date:01-10-2014

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