Nathan the wise

Text: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Directed by: Armin Petras
Translation: Lucian Blaga
Stage design: Dragoş Buhagiar
Costumes: Katja Strohschneider
Original music: Marius Mihalache
Music and sound design: Thomas Kürstner
Video: Rebecca Ridel
Choreography: Berit Jentzsch
Playwright: Verena Eitel
a maid: Maria Tomoiagă
Cast: Peter Kurt, Nicu Mihoc, Katharina Knap, Diana Văcaru-Lazăr, Ofelia Popii, Ciprian Scurtea, Susanne Böwe, Mariana Mihu – Plier, Sebastian Vogel, Horst Kotterba, Dan Glasu, Paul Grill, Ioan Paraschiv, Cristina Juks, Raj-Alexandru Udrea, Marius Mihalache
In Nathan the wise, Lessing pleads for the respect and the acknowledgement of religions that fight each other – Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The performance directed by Armin Petras is the result of one of the biggest co-production projects carried on by Radu Stanca National Theatre of Sibiu along with the Stuttgart National Theatre. The project is not limited to a simple staging of the theatre play, as it also pursues actual goals, the social dimension of terrorism and racism in particular, in these two countries, each with its singularities. Lessing’s text is “translated” by considering the insight of the debates on violence in nowadays Europe.

Nathan the wise is a monumental production, not only through the scenery of Dragoş Buhagiar – a temple destroyed by fire, where the ghosts of a supposedly united Europe are roaming –, but also through the resurrection of Lessing’s play in the contemporary European context and through the association of two groups of actors, one from Sibiu (Ofelia Popii and Ciprian Scurtea in the main roles) and one from Stuttgart, each speaking in their own language and sometimes even in English, thus building a pseudo-communication. Multiculturalism – ethnic, religious, sexual – is a relatively recent concept, but the reality it standardizes has always existed. What Armin Petras does with Lessing’s play is to place it, with all the problems it raises – differences in ethnicity, religion, sexuality – in the European Union and at its border, in Israel and Palestine, and to ask himself if this ideal of “unity in diversity” is not actually a utopia, maybe even intentionally a utopia, concealing intolerances perpetuated for centuries, under a thick layer of demagogy.” Oana Stoica – Dilema Veche, August 2015.

31 October 2015, ”National Theatre Festival, Bucharest”, Romania
20 March 2016, Stuttgart, Germany
14 April 2016, Oslo, Norway
24-26 November 2016, ”Interferences International Theatre Festival in Cluj Napoca”
Estimated duration:
2h 15min
Premiere Date:20-09-2015
Age limit:Performance not recommended to those under the age of 14

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