It happened on a thursday

Text: Elise Wilk
Directed by: Eugen Gyemant
Music: Eugen Gyemant
Project manager: Luminița Bîrsan
Project assistant: Denisa Ciocoiu
Cast: Alexandra Gavrilov, Andrei Gîlcescu, Carmen Manac, Georgiana Vrațiu, Mădălina Ivașcu, Simona Negrilă, Alexandra Mihalache, Alis Nină, Aurelian Răducu
“It Happened on a Thursday” is the accidental meeting of eight people whose lives changed on the same odd day. A performance on bizarre coincidences and on the dark corners of human minds, on loneliness, imagination and the universes hidden in the people around us. We are unaware of the unsuspected monsters and the indescribable beauty that lives inside the people alongside whom we happen to ride the tram. Who knows how psychedelic the journey would get if were able to get into their minds or if, on a bizarre Thursday, they decided to open up and tell us what's on their mind?
10 November 2019, Ploiești, “Toma Caragiu” Theatre Festival
Estimated duration:
Premiere Date:03-11-2021
Age limit:

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