Games, words, crickets…

Directed by: Silviu Purcărete
Scenography: Dragoş Buhagiar
Original music: Vasile Şirli
Choreography: Adriana Bârză-Cârstea
Technical director: Ovidiu Coca
Direction Assistant and prompter: Sanda Anastasof
Project manager: Claudia Maior
Marketing responsabil: Denisa Bar
Dolls: Sandu Marian, Ionuț Brancu
Cast: Constantin Chiriac, Adrian Neacşu, Ali Deac, Cătălin Neghină, Cendana Trifan, Codruţa Vasiu, Cristian Stanca, Cristina Ragos, Cristina Stoleriu, Diana Văcaru-Lazăr, Eduard Pătrașcu, Emőke Boldizsár, Fabiola Petri, Ioana Blaga Frunzescu, Ioana Cosma, Liviu Vlad, Pali Vecsei, Viorel Rață
Without poetry, humanity would lose its soul. A great Romanian writer, in a very inspired manner, began his poem like this: I hang on to you, poetry/ Like a child to its mother's lap. The performance “Games, words, crickets...” is a confession of the fact that we all need to dream, to play, to look for that place at the end of the rainbow, where years or social hierarchies no longer matter, but only the joy of meeting the great poetry of the world. In Silviu Purcărete's performance, Poetry is at home, while beauty, simplicity and emotion enter into a natural dialogue with audiences of all ages. Together with 17 actors of the National Theatre in Sibiu, under the magic wand of Silviu Purcărete, we try to create a different performance, in which poetry and play bridge the gap towards emotion and that state of grace that will create, with each new performance, a special moment dedicated to our audience every night.
October 26, 2023, National Theater Festival, Bucharest
December 1, 2023, Paris, France at the Théâtre de la Ville-Paris, Espace Pierre Cardin
Estimated duration:
1h 20min
Premiere Date:11-09-2022

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