The star without a name

Text: Mihail Sebastian
Directed by: Florin Coşuleţ
Cast: Vlad Robaș, Cendana Trifan, Adrian Neacşu, Serenela Mureşan, Florin Coşuleţ, Mihai Coman, Patricia Buraga, Viorel Rață, Liviu Vlad, Alexandru Malaicu, Sanda Anastasof

Assistant director: Sanda Anastasof
Set design: Alin Gavrilă
Costumes: Corina Boboc–Giorgescu
Video: Daniel Munteanu
Project manager: Luminița Bîrsan
Project assistant: Denisa Ciocoiu
‘The Star Without A Name. A story imagined and written by Mihail Sebastian before the sun set over his destiny and over a wonderful period for Romanian literature and culture, i.e. the interwar period
The play is mostly comical, but brilliantly touches upon major themes of humanity, too. The recipe of this story is simple, but deeply human! One star! One love! One train station! A star... without a name, which strays away from its usual path: this surprising, unexpected and unpredictable act causes two worlds to collide: despite approaching life in totally different manners, they prove to be profoundly similar when time stops still!
A love... tempestuous, meteoric, incandescent like a celestial body entering Earth’s atmosphere. It burns in a unique, spectacular manner, but extremely fast, paradoxically consumed by its disintegration.
A train station... representing a common place. A place of luggage, long stares and train tracks. Its platforms see lots of tears, people cram together, hustle and trip, but when they find each other, they can feel and smell one another. They speak or smile to others. A place of arrivals and departures, as well as of passing, of waiting, and of parting. Ofshort breaths, and of human buzzing in all its splendour. Of train whistles, puffing, creaking. The train! This perfect incarnation of human destiny, connecting our hearts through iron roads.
Throughout our earthly existence, it seems like it all boils down to catching a train or not. This common and at the same time very personal train. The train that can take you to this or that place, who knows where from and where to!?
To a star, a love, a station...’
Florin Coșuleț, actor and director

Co-production of the “Radu Stanca” National Theatre and the “Lucian Blaga” Cultural Centre in Sebeș
June 2002, Bucharest, invited at the Graduate’s Gala of Bucharest National University of Theatre and Film “I.L. Caragiale” (UNATC), Casandra Studio
10 May 2019, Sebeș
2 October 2019, Cristian, jud. Brașov, Art and Culture Festival, Cartfest
Estimated duration:
Premiere Date:07-10-2019
Age limit:

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