“For the past fifteen years, we have only learned to treat our past in two different ways, both excessively: we either idolize communist achievements or throw mud at 45 years of Romanian history and try to forget it with embarrassment or condemn it without any consideration for nuances. I think it's time for a less passionate treatment of the Romanian communist past. Therefore, a warm-ironic perspective, indulgent, in contrast with the two irreconcilable versions so far, is the best way to recover the lost world of communism. What we propose is only a possible view, because I for one cannot accept the idea of letting my childhood reduced to mere ideological dichotomy. I think this perspective must coexist with the other two, since we cannot make a blank slate of half a century Romanian history. “ Radu Alexandru Nica
“Radu-Alexandru Nica's performance has the lucid accuracy of a mathematical theorem, the innocence humour of a child, the incandescence of a sexual act, the dramatic consistency of ten books about communism, the rapid sequentiality of a film and without recrimination, a syntagma that has little use in Romania.“ - Oana Stoica
“A performance as I have never seen before. Excellent on all levels“. - Fritz Kater