Waiting for Godot

Text: Samuel Beckett
Directed by: Silviu Purcărete
Scenography: Silviu Purcărete
Piano: Monica Florescu - Fernandez
Violin: Cosmin Fidileș
Cello: Makcim Fernandez Samodaev
Cast: Constantin Chiriac, Marian Râlea, Cristian Stanca, Pali Vecsei, Andrei Văcariu
Waiting for Godot is not a play with a thesis, it does not enforce any moral on the audience, and it does not hide within itself any particular hope.

In order to understand such a play, one has to see the world as large as his own spirit, and the two tramps as a symbol of an always ambivalent humanity.

Beckett does not reveal to us the meaning of the events, which we are always looking for, but demonstrates his technical ingenuity by playing with our expectations. Waiting for Godot has the power of infinite adaptability. The play speaks about feelings and emotions left unspoken until now, but with Beckett as a guide, we are able to recognize them as our own.Waiting for Godot– an invocation, a reflection, a curtain... (Marina Constantinescu)
1-3 April 2006, Bucharest, ”Francophonie Festival - Coup de theatre”
10 May 2006, Cluj-Napoca, ”Gyorgy Harag Commemorative Days”
9-16 October 2007, Seoul, Korea, Seoul Performing Arts Festival
22, 23 September 2008, Zagreb, Croatia, World Theatre Festival
19 October 2008, Piatra Neamț, Piatra Neamţ Theatre Festival
20 November 2008, Liverpool, Great Britain, ”Liverpool International Theatre Festival”
18 September 2015, ”Reunion of National Theatres’Chișinău”, Rep. Moldova
19, 20th, 21st October 2018, ”Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Center (Wuzhen Theatre Festival)”
3 May 2009, Trabzon, Turcia, ”International Blacksea Theatre Festival Trabzon”
29 March–2 April 2012, Bogota, Columbia, ”Bogotá Theatre Festival”
3, 4 November 2012, București, ”National Theatre Festival”
24 September 2013, Tbilisi, Georgia, ”Tbilisi International Theatre Festival”
18 September 2015, ‘Reunion of National Theatres’ Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
19, 20, 21 October 2018, Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition & Convention Centre (Wuzhen Theatre Festival)
25–30t June 2019, Constanța International Myths Festival "Myths of the Citadel"
Estimated duration:
Premiere Date:18-12-2005

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