visual arts platform

The insertion the visual arts platform_PAV an associated structure within Sibiu’s International Theatre Festival (FITS), continues to function as a space without a space, a semi-nomad entity, a body without organs (Artaud 1947; Deleuze & Guattari 1972, 1980), an occasion and an invitation to become active and come together. It brings together interventions from invited artists, as well as giving the opportunity to some of Sibiu’s permanent art installations and spaces to reappear back into the public sphere, structures which exist and infuse into the city all year-round. PAV brings together local and non-local voices, be they artists, cultural producers, museum and artist-run spaces, all the way to non-conventional spaces pertaining to the consumerist culture, creating infiltrations into the capitalist machine (Deleuze & Guattari, ibid.; Negri, 1989; Hardt & Negri, 2000).


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