Key for two

Text: John Chapman , Dave Freeman
Directed by: Șerban Puiu
German version: Paul Overhoff
Scenography: Irina Chirilă
Cast: Johanna Adam, Emőke Boldizsár, Daniel Bucher, Anca Cipariu, Fabiola Petri, Daniel Plier, Valentin Späth

Performance presented in German with Romanian translation
Theatre director Şerban Puiu returns to Sibiu to stage a new comedy with the German Department of the Radu Stanca National Theatre of Sibiu. Key For Two/Ein Schlüssel für zwei is based on the text of the American playwrights John Chapman and Dave Freeman, two of the highest rated US script writers for TV and radio. The cast consists of: Johanna Adam, Daniel Plier, Daniel Bucher, Anca Cipariu, Fabiola Petri, Valentin Späth and Emöke Boldizsár and the scenography is signed by Irina Chirilă.
The performance focuses on the story of Harriet, a divorced lady who manages to solve her financial problems by strictly planning the meetings with her two lovers and reserving one specific day within the week for each of them. The situation gets out of hand when the two men show up at the door at the same time. Harriet gets away out of this incredible confusion through an avalanche of comic situations, identity theft and a climax worth to be included in the comic books of the 1980’s.
Estimated duration:
1h 40min
Premiere Date:15-10-2012

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