The company thanks

Text: Lutz Hübner
Directed by: Theodor-Cristian Popescu
Translation into romanian : Victor Scoradeţ
Scenography: Mihai Păcurar
Assistant to the director: Lucian Pană
Vocal trainer: Tim Schüler
Stage movement: Fatma Mohamed
Cast: Daniel Bucher, Anca Cipariu, Valentin Späth, Ali Deac, Johanna Adam
The Company Thanks theatre play, written by Lutz Hüber, addresses a current topic, linked to global economic structures through changing the basic concept of production and marketing in the private sector.
Adam Krusenstern is representative of the old school, of classic capitalism. He witnesses an already changed world where he finds himself without not even realizing it. Shifting priorities from the constant change of the quality of the product to the “wrap up”, triggers such a radical concept that Krusenstern chases stability only to even more stuck to a mass of information on what is good, and what is desiarable for the conomy.
The collision of the two worlds is highlighted by the image of Andy Warhol, stirring controversy in the field of art. He brings something new that is not so easy to swallow for his predecessors. Andy Warhol raises the question of interpreting the new between genius and charlatan spheres.

Directed by Theodor-Cristian Popescu, the authenticity of the central ideas of the play is respected, trying to create a favourable environment for transmitting them as clearly as possible.

Performance presented in German with Romanian translation
Estimated duration:
1h 45min
Premiere Date:08-12-2015
Translation:Performance presented in German with Romanian translation

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