The ghost is here

Text: Kobo Abe
Directed by: Kushida Kazuyoshi
Scenography: Dragoş Buhagiar
Music: Vasile Şirli
Assistant to the director: Sanda Anastasof
Assistant to the scenographer: Irina Chirilă
Cast: Constantin Chiriac, Marius Turdeanu, Gabriela Pîrlițeanu, Mariana Mihu – Plier, Ciprian Scurtea, Florin Coşuleţ, Pali Vecsei, Adrian Matioc, Viorel Rață, Codruţa Vasiu, Ioan Paraschiv, Cendana Trifan, Diana Fufezan, Serenela Mureşan, Adrian Neacşu, Vlad Robaș

The show features light effects produced by the stroboscope, which can trigger seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy.
Warning: Strobe lighting effects used during this performance can cause seizures in persons who may suffer from photosensitive epilepsy. The corruption in administration, the information passed from people to people, the manipulation of the population by means of the media are merely some of the present-day topics merged with love stories and emotional encounters. The plot of the performance, originating in Oba Sankichi’s struggle to grow rich on account of the ghost-friend of his new friend Fukagawa, is interrupted by comic moments, all converging to an unexpected outcome of the story..

The director Kazuyoshi Kushida proposes a form of psychological theatre full of mystery, but, at the same time, creates the atmosphere of a comedy, using satirical lines aimed at a society that is exceedingly serious.

The play was written by Kōbō Abe 50 years ago, but, even in the 21st century, the theme is still current. Furthermore, I chose this text because it is likely to contain scenes that are also to be found in Romania. The ghost is the expression of things that are not visible, but that make the world go round and also influence the society we live in. Economy, the Internet – they are mechanisms made of things that are invisible, intangible, but they influence our lives. (Kushida Kazuyoshi)
Estimated duration:
1h 55min
Premiere Date:13-06-2015

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