Giraffes. Urban fable #1

Text: Pau Miró
Directed by: Radu Afrim
Translation And Adaptation: Radu Afrim
Scenography: Dragoş Buhagiar
Choreography: Andrea Gavriliu
Sound Universe: Radu Afrim
Assistant to the director: Sanda Anastasof
Assistant to the scenographer: Irina Chirilă
Cast: Marius Turdeanu, Mariana Mihu – Plier, Ioan Paraschiv, Adrian Matioc, Dana Lăzărescu
Part of the Trilogy of Urban Fables by Catalan author Pau Miró, Giraffes reflects the strong desire of every ordinary woman to be unconventional and free. Centered on an apparently mundane object, but nonetheless one that has revolutionized the life of every woman in the past century: the washing machine. Set in Romania 1968, Giraffes is a family play that tackles subjects as feminism, traditional values, free will and love. Within a conceptual and suggestive set design, Radu Afrim’s tragic-comic staging shows the hidden wilderness and poetics of the woman’s soul and the fragility of the machoism system with defying and ironic humor.
22 April 2015, Deva, România
Estimated duration:
1h 45min
Premiere Date:14-03-2015

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