
Text: Marius von Mayenburg
Directed by: Radu-Alexandru Nica
Translation in romanian: Elise Wilk
Scenography, video, light design: Mihai Păcurar
Music, sound design: Vlaicu Golcea
Assistant to the director: Luana Hagiu, Lucian Pană
Vocal coach: Tim Schüler, Anne Dahl
Cast: Valentin Späth, Johanna Adam, Daniel Bucher, Daniel Plier, Ali Deac, Renate Müller-Nica, Iustinian Turcu, Anca Cipariu
“Puberty is a passing mental illness.”

The 16 year old Benjamin doesn’t want to go to the swimming class anymore. Asked by his mother, he finally admits that his reasons are of religious nature. Following this first rebellion, he reveals himself as being a Christian fanatic. Benjamin reinforces this image of himself trough angry Bible speeches and provocative actions. His biology teacher, Mrs. Roth, thinks that this is a young person crying for help. Her good intentioned attempts to approach Benjamin, are being rigorously broken down by him, and not long time after, Mrs. Roth finds herself within gunshot, all the more so, principle Batzler and the religion teacher greet Benjamins fundamentalist way of thinking with indulgence.

Evolution, emancipation, contraception, homosexuality, Jewry; all of these are seen by Benjamin as uncleanly, devilish, sinful. The young prophet finds in the socially isolated gimp, Georg, his first apprentice, whilst Mrs. Roth confronts him more and more determined.
Mayenburgs fine-edged, dialogue-based play is not just a blunt critique to the islamophobia of the west, but also shows the fundamentalist depths of the western world.
16-18th December 2017, Timișoara, „Performance invited during the partnership with The German State Theatre Timisoara”
Estimated duration:
1h 45min
Premiere Date:16-09-2016
Age limit:Performance not recommended to those under the age of 16
Translation:Performance presented in German with Romanian translation

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