
Text: David Mamet
Directed by: Bogdan Sărătean
Scenography: Alexandra Budianu
Cast: Veronica Arizancu, Ciprian Scurtea
A student comes to her professor’s office, expressing her dissatisfaction with the grade she got on the test. The professor is willing to give her another chance, but this gesture implies a price. Will the student be willing to pay this price? Where is the red line drawn between what is allowed and what is not? Gradually, before our eyes, everything is about to turn into a sick game. “Oleanna” is a story about strength and its fragility, about masks and shadows, whose striking topicality puts us in front of our own fears and hopes.

“It’s been 30 years since David Mamet wrote this play. From a dramaturgical point of view, it is perfect, as long as perfection exists. It is perfect because it is not biased, it is not thesis-based. But at the same time the author presupposes strange phenomena of modernity. I wonder what Mamet’s play would look like today, when we exhibit so many failures in the virtual medium with excess violence, always finding someone to blame?
Could he have imagined how relevant his text would be after three decades? Both characters are equally right and wrong, and that’s tragic. It’s just that it’s a tragedy of modern human, completely devoid of catharsis.” Bogdan Sărătean, director

Estimated duration:
1h 15min
Premiere Date:30-09-2022

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